hello! oh, it has been some time since I have gotten on here but I am so excited for my first post of 2018 AND to introduce you to my new site, Stesha Rose. if you follow me on Instagram you will know my insta handle is SteshaRose, which is my first and middle name. back in 2012 when I started blogging I thought I needed a cutesy name for my blog, hence Classic & Bubbly, but it has been in the back of my mind since day one... 'why did you not chose Stesha Rose?'
as many of you know my life took a huge change in 2017 when my family and I decided to move from Arizona to BC, Canada. I wanted to keep blogging but I was so overwhelmed with the move, the building of the new house, adjusting to small town life that I kind of, well half a**ed the blog. it just wasn't feeling right to me anymore, never the less getting my hands on new trends and clothes was either extremely difficult or extremely expensive. wearing the newest jeans or sweaters from Nordstrom just wasn't a priority when I live in a town with no mall.
so, let's talk about what Stesha Rose is going to be about....
what to expect moving forward:
I am going to be blogging two times a week, Mondays + Wednesdays. the posts will be more of our life, things we have been learning, or something completely random. I am still going to post outfits because lets be honest I love personal style but I want to get more personal in my writing! so hearing about how I love wearing the color pink which has nothing more than surface level interest at best, I'll be chatting about my 5 favorite items or a daily struggle I have been having.
getting more personal:
I`obviously realize I don't open up much here on the blog. I took a poll back in December on Instastories asking if people rather just see pretty pictures or if they want to read a personal story? 86% said get more personal! sometimes I wonder why on earth would people care about what I am going through, but that was the results of the poll so I am going to do my best to open up! I want to chat about life in a small town and our emotional struggles with that, marriage, and being a step-mom. those are the three topics that when I see people they comment on how perfect it looks and how lucky I am. well, a little inside scoop, I stare at them with big eyes thinking oh man, if you only knew!
not comparing, doing my own thing:
I have been blogging for 6 years... what! yep, the same time rock stars like Rachel Parcel (pink peonies), Amber Fillerup (barefoot blonde), Julia Engel (gal meets glam) started... well talk about comparison issues. they are all extremely successful, highly respected women who dominate this world. I am so proud of them for their accomplishments but guess what... its not me! I don't need to compare myself or my blog to others anymore. as much as I love following those huge blogs, mine didn't go down that road and that is okay. maybe it was because I was constantly trying to do what I thought I was supposed to instead of what I actually wanted to do. if you are a follower from day one you will know this blog originally started as a photography and lifestyle blog, it just happened to gear towards more fashion which was not originally my goal.
more family life:
it is no secret my life has changed since starting Classic & Bubbly. I am no longer a 20 something girl living the single life in a college town, I am a 30 something year old wife + full time step-mom! I love that my life has changed and I want to show you all the highs and lows that comes with a change like I have made. if I don't go too in-depth on a certain subject and you are wanting to know more feel free to always email me or DM on Instagram, I can definitely expand in more details. I will be reserved on a few things but for the most part I want to be an open book!
photography will not be leaving:
besides this little blog I run I am a full time wedding + portrait photographer at Stesha Jordan Photography. I chose to pursue that dream at the same time I started blogging and I LOVE being a photographer. I felt that my fashion posts started getting more mainstream and simple which as a photographer was killing me. I want to provide you will amazing photos, thats what I live for! I have a very specific look to my photography business so I want to use Stesha Rose as a place to experiment in editing, direction, angles etc. be prepared and give me your feed back, I want to hear what you like or don't like!
I want to touch on these photos before letting you go, Stephen the pups and I went on a hike in Kal Park (15 mins from our house!) a few weeks ago. I wanted to scout a location for a few engagement photoshoots I had coming up. the snow is incredible but everything changes when there is 3 feet of it on the ground. if you remember the post I wrote last summer about the dog beach, this is the same location! hard to believe, isn't it? the wonderful thing about living in B.C. especially the Okanagan is the change in seasons and the different activities you can do all year round. Vernon is such an outdoorsy town that in the summer time it is amazing, but the winter time is an adjustment. Stephen and I have both been struggling this winter with the sads disorder, it takes a lot of motivation to do simple things like go on a walk but we are doing our best.
there you have it, Stesha Rose, a life + style blog by me (Stesha!) where things are going to change yet some will stay the same! I hope you enjoyed this post, Wednesday is Valentine's Day and I am sharing a fun photoshoot Sofia and I did along with some our favorite activities we have done this month is preparation for l o v e day.
I'm looking forward to following along on this new journey!!
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