Friday, November 4, 2011


I LOVE love LOVE fairs!!! 
Everything about them.  Maybe it is because I seem to be stuck in a five year olds mind, but everything about rides, junk food, bright lights, and HUGE stuffed animals puts a big smile on my face.  Who has seen The Notebook?! When I go to a fair I like to pretend I am in that movie.  I could definitely settle for being Rachel McAdams! 

Do you ever wonder where all the people who work the fairs aka "carnies" are from? I had never really taken a moment to stop and think about it,  I just thought maybe they were locals?! I dunno.  I started talking to some of the "carnies" and was surprised to know they are from all over the world.  Most I met were South Africans!! how cool?! I want to go work in a foreign country and work on a ferris wheel...... maybe one day! 


Thanks for all the love yesterday!!! If you have not already make sure you enter to win the fabulous giveaway from The Pink Ruffle!!!



Petchie said...

I love fairs too! I haven't been to one in a few years though :( This one looks really cute!


Anonymous said...

Love your photos! And I love fairs also, but it's been a year or two since I've been to one. Next year it's definitely going to happen!

Cassie @ Live.Laugh.L0ve. said...

Amazing photo's! I haven't been to a fair in so long! It looks like you had alot of fun!! =D

Anonymous said...

Those ferris wheel photos look awfully familiar (:

Anonymous said...

i love fairs! especially the junk food. funnels cakes, roasted corn, Texas taters...yum!

... said...

Beautiful shots Stesha! :) How sweet of you to take time to talk to the people running the fair...I'm sure you made their night! You're a doll! :)

Shutterbug said...

i love fairs too! i wish we had more of them where i live! The food and the games are my favourite things!

Ashley said...

love fairs!!:) your pictures are beautiful as always:) I mostly love the ferriswheele ones:)

Hilliary Meisner said...

These are great pictures! I love ferris wheels. I love going to fairs and getting carmel apples! Have a fabulous weekend!

Mandy@OrangeAutumn said...

Looks fun!! The fair is such a fun place. I looovvve elephant ears!

Tamra {ever swoon} said...

Thanks for stopping by!! Your blog is absolutely lovely, I haven't been on a ferris wheel in ages!

Unknown said...

great photography! looks like fun : )


meme-and-he said...

gorgeous photos! not going to lie...thought your post title said "I love love affairs!" at first. MUCH different. ha!

Bronzed Humanity said...

I heart fairs! This one looks fun!

Hot Pink Day
Shop Blue Vanilla

henning love said...

i love fairs too! and i like your notebook reference, great movie! yum a turkey leg and those loaf of fries yes please. great photos too lovely lady!

Julie @ The Smitten Mintons said...

Oh I love fairs! But they always make me spend waaaaay too much money. I can never stop playing the games!

Alexa said...

Love your photos and love fairs! So much fun! :)

Aimee said...

These pics look awesome! I wanted to visit my hometown fair this year and just couldn't make it work out. Maybe next year. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am now following yours!

memory said...

this makes me wanna go to a fair so bad! i didn't get to go to ours this year :( and they had rodney atkins in concert.
these are really great pictures.

Juggling in Heels said...

Love these photos! Makes me want to a fair! Thanks for stopping my blog! Love yours! You have got a new follower out of me!


Anonymous said...

I am loving these gorgeous photos! SO wish I was there - there is just something so magical about fairs :)

Triangle Necklace Giveaway!

Rolled Up Pretty said...

Oh my gosh, I love fairs too! :) GREAT pics!

Nicole said...

Honestly, I can say that fairs are perfectly amazing. But whatevs, you knew that already. :) I took Hubs for the first time this summer. He LOOOVED it!

And ps your photos are so rockin' awesome!


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for visiting by my blog and commenting!

I love your blog, glad I've found you, your photos are so pretty. Kind of whimsical somehow.

Anyway, I'm following you now.

I hope you'll stop by my blog again soon and follow me back if you'd like to.

Amelia @ UGLY DUCKLING <3 xxx

PS: I'm doing a GIVEAWAY at the moment, check it out and enter if you'd like...

Lisa said...

Fairs are always so cool! And love the way you edited your photos! Oh and thank you so much for your sweet comment, made my day!

Love, Lisa

Jill said...

I love fairs too! The rides, the food, the atmosphere :D
I'm now following ya on here :D

Melu103 said...

hi doll!
oh my god
i felt in love with your blog
i went all the way back to June
and read every-single-post

:) you are amazing
and your photography
LOVE IT <3<3

you are truly talented

i am a new follower
:) if you like follow
back so we can keep in touch

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Have a great weekend!!

follow me <3

Unknown said...

fairs are definitely cool. However, i will pass on watching the notebook.

Bel said...

I LOVE FAIRS TOO!!!! I always HAVE to have cotton candy and popcorn. And YES to pretending to be Rachel McAdams LOL.

Belly B :)

Renee said...

this fair looks so cute!! xo

krissy rock said...

That looks like so much fun!! i love your pictures!

Jane said...

Wow your pictures of the fair are awesome. I was so bummed I missed the state fair this year because we had just moved here and I had no idea it was going on. I also missed the pineapple festival! Tragedy! lol Next year!

Jamie said...

We went to the fair this year too. I live seeing all of the animals.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

love these pics- esp the ferris wheel ones! i am not a huge fair person but used to go to the Syracuse, NY one every year because i went to school there.

Hollie Ann said...

your fair pictures are amazing! i love love the fair...except i found a giant black hair in my fried food last time and i've been traumatized ever since.

Steph said...

Hi sweet girl! Beautful pictures, as usual. Wanted to let you know I'm grabbing your button and puting it on my "sweet blogs" page! Hope you don't mind :)

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