Wednesday, May 18, 2016

flower fields

How beautiful is this flower field?! What makes it more amazing is that it is right here in Arizona! Who would have thought? I was at coffee with my fellow photog friend Megan discussing different ideas, inspiration, creativity when I mentioned how I wish I lived in other states sometimes, and recently have been obsessed with all the flowers farms! Thats when she whipped out her phone and showed me this flower field right here in Arizona, just a few miles from where we live! Score! 

Originally I was not planning on having S joining me for this shoot, it was going to be a work evening being creative with Megan and I! However, as I have found out over the past couple of years some times you have to haul the kids with you even to work events and make the best of it (ie. snacks, snacks, and capri suns!) It was hot, and I was picking S up form school so knowing we were going to a flower field I threw a dress in the car and said "hey, while I work you can pick flowers, deal?!" That was a pretty good bribe if I say so myself! As Megan and I were shooting and playing around with Arizona's bright sun (she was teaching me a little film!!!) S was allll about being our model. Hit or miss with this kiddo and photos, some times she loves them and other times it is very clear she in not in the mood. That day, as you can see, S was all. about. the photos! Which was kind of nice for me as I never get photos with her, its always me snapping the cute shots of her and Stephen. 

Thanks again Megan, these photos are very precious to me! Make sure to shop my outfit below! Oh and S's dress was 4.99... yes, you read that right!


Unknown said...

those flower fields are so gorgeous! I think there are some near me in SoCal and I need to find them asap!

xo, Maddy

Edye Nicole said...

Lovely pictures! Flowers are so pretty <3

Edye | Http://