Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bubbly Tuesday Coachella style


Happy Bubbly Tuesday!!!! I know I have been slacking on the blog posts these past few days.  As you all know I spent the weekend out at Coachella music festival, and just got home late last night.  I.  am.  EXHAUSTED! Wow,  what a weekend.  I cant wait to share all the crazy stories in detail with you.  I wanted to give you a little bit of a sneak peek today and then will be updating at the week goes on after I take some time to sleep and recharge my brain.  Enjoy these few of my favorite from the Coachella ferris wheel! I am sleeping all day.  what are you doing for your Bubbly Tuesday?!



Anonymous said...

SOOO super fun!! Coachella is on my bucket list, for sure!! Can't wait to see more posts of your fab time! Love this snippet post!
xo, Jessica

henning love said...

looking forward to hearing all the details!! i love your style

Unknown said...

love these photos, you look adorable!


Maria @ Orchard Bloom said...

Jealous! One of these days I will make it to Coachella!

Because Shanna Said So said...

Awe, Stesha!! It looks like you had the time of your life! Can't wait to see and hear more about it!! You are too precious for words! Get some much needed rest!

Kelley With Love said...

I am definitely putting Coachella on my list of things to do! Looks like you had a fun time!

XO Kelley

Gentri said...

I was so jealous of all your pictures! Looks like a blast! All weekend (even though I wasn't there) Brooke Fraser's song "Coachella" was playing in my head. haha!

Lisa @ MMT said...

Looks like you had fun at coachella!

Andrea D said...

I am so, so jealous! Love your sweet Coachella fashion...making it there one year is on my to-do list for sure! :)

Left brain, right brain, pug brain.