Friday June 1st, at approx. 8 am, I jumped in my scion TC and hit the road! First stop on my 10 day road trip was Manhattan Beach, CA! I was stopping in Manhattan Beach to take some beach engagement photos for a very good friend of mine, Miss Venea and her fiance Derek! I will let the photos tell the story!!
Bye BYE Arizona! Until October, I will not see any cactus! I will in a strange way miss you.
Welcome to CALIFORNIA!
Well hello there Manhattan Beach! Paradise!
Watched the surfers surf the freeeezing cold water!
Manhattan Beach Pier!
Seriously one of the cutest beach towns I have been too. Loved the feeling of being there!
Oh just hanging out on the pier with my THEIT bag!
Good friends!!! This is Venea, a beautiful friend who let me stay with her while being in Manhattan Beach!!
I did some engagement photos on the beach. The sun setting could not have been more perfect!!!
This is my Boyfriend Nick, You can thank him for the majority of the photos taken of me on the blog. He gets sad I dont give him enough credit! Nick came on the 10 day road trip with me!!
Venea and Derek's beach hut! Soooo stinkin cute! I want to live in a beach town and surf all day! Dream life, right?!
After taking some engagement photos with V & D on Friday evening we went to a delicious dinner, had a few drinks and then went home and crashed! Each day was so jam packed, our days always began at 5 am! not oh the alarm goes off at 5, but we are on the road driving at 5!! ahhh EARLY!! nothing a little red bull can't fix!!
DAY 2!!! Leaving Manhattan Beach and on the road up to San Fran! 1st stop, Santa Monica pier! It was so early that no one was out except the seagulls and fishies!
Santa Monica Beach!
That's right, C&B went to the beach! Had to represent!!
Welcome to Malibu!
It was soooo foggy we could barely see the road. Just in the early morning, it definitely cleared up as we drove into the day.
Look how long this pier is? I have never seen one so long before! Snaped that pic!!
Somewhere on the PCH, HWY 1, we pulled off and found this beautiful random road. Look at the sky and the clouds!
Beautiful Pacific Ocean!

Have you ever walked along the pacific railroad? Yepp I have!!
Pacific RailRoad!

we got lost on the PCH a few times when it integrated with the 101!
Welp, that taked you up to half way through DAY 2!!! Phoenix to LA, LA up the PCH on the way to SF!! Tomorrow you will get the second part of the lower PCH till we hit San Fran. I promise you will love the photos!!!
glad you're back!! beautiful pictures! and I love the one of the two of you - so cute!
So fun!! I can't wait to see the rest!
You make me want to get to California RIGHT NOW!!! I can hardly wait until our vacation. LOVE your outfit!
i cannot wait to see the pics from big sur (if you drove the 1 there.. its CRAZY!)
and your man is too cute (: well, YOU and your man are too cute!!
can't wait to read more! so glad you had a safe and awesome trip!
Awe Stesh, look at all the amazing places and things you have seen in just a short time! And I am so glad you posted a picture of you and Nick! You two are adorable. So happy you made it safe and sound! What a journey!! Yes, let's catch up!! Miss you, boo!
You are missing the 109 degrees down here in phx! Lucky!! Haha. It looks beautiful and I love the cute photo of you and your boo! Cute jeans :)
Okay looks like you had SO much fun!!! SO JEALOUS, I want a vacay like now! And HELLO, you and your boyfriend are SO cute!
I am already loving the photos! These are great shots! Isn't Manhattan Beach cute?? :) Can't wait for that city!
1. nick is your boyfriend.
2. youre gone.
if you dont update me asap im seriously gonna punch you in the face. :)
love you.
twin these photos are amazing! i can't wait to catch up on the phone & hear about your entire adventure, i miss you more than life itself! you & nick look so cute together!
xx, twin
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