Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Shine Event!

It is finally here! Miss Ashley over at The Shine Project is hosting The Shine Event tonight!
It is going to be wonderful.  If you have not had the chance to check out The Shine Project make sure you head on over.  She is really changing the world. 

I am having the honor to photograph Ashley's event! Talk about pressure.  She has worked so hard on everything for this scholarship and I want it to be nothing but PERFECT!


If you live in Arizona and want to stop on this fabulous event please do so.  All the information is on The Shine Project!

I also want to announce I am guest posting over on The Mind of a Ginger!!! I love helping new blogs out,  I remember when I was just starting.  So be sure to head over and visit Miss Katelyn today and leave her some love. 


Petchie said...

I'm going to check it out right now!!!


Hilliary Meisner said...

I am heading over to check it out right now! Have fun tonight!

Cassie @ Live.Laugh.L0ve. said...

I hope yall have a wonderful turn out!! =D

Maria @ Orchard Bloom said...

Very Cool! I hope it goes well!

Unknown said...

That is great you'll be photographing the event! That means I'll get to meet you! Woo!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like such an amazing project to be apart of! Your pictures are going to turn out great, I can tell just by looking at your photography!

Thanks for the comment on my post, and so glad to have come across your blog :) Have a great day, lovely!

Laura said...

You take great pictures, so I am sure tonight will be perfect. I gave you a blog award, check it out!

Ellie said...

Hi, thanks for coming over and commenting on my blog, I really appreciate it.
Good luck with your shoot, hope it is well attended.

Anonymous said...

omg how awesome :) so love the shine project! i just came across your blog and wanted to say its super cute!! oh hey if you're a starbucks lover you should check out the giveaway i'm doing on my blog!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

How awesome! I'm sure you had a blast and did a GREAT job!

Audrey Leighton said...

yayayayy cant wait


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